Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So, there I was, after radiation, feeling sorry for myself, playing Spider solitaire and not looking forward to my self-assigned task for the day--trying to create a little space of order out of the chaos that is my bedroom (we'll save the office for sometime when I REALLY have nothing to do), and Glenn says "Do you want to to for a walk?" Heck, yeah! So off we go to the rec trail. We didn't make it the whole three miles, but we did go two, slowing way down for the hills and resting a lot--I think I was doing 35 minute miles. We saw deer, a lizard, and lots of water fowl. It was warm enough but not hot and not cold, the fog having flown earlier in the morning. So now here I am, revitalized, ready to watch the Giants win again (they are on a streak). Unfortunately, I will have to put off the order out of chaos--there is only so much energy that I can expend in a single day, and I've used up today's allotment. This evening is knitting circle at church. I'll take some show and tell, then I can send it off to my sister for her friends. I think I'll go to radiation tomorrow.

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