Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life is good

Saw wonderful Dr. Chee today (she would be the glockenspiel playing oncologist), and everything is coming up roses. Cat scan was good news. I could give you measurements, but the impression is "There has been mild interval decrease in size of previously noted paraaortic, iliac, and pelvic lymphadenopathy. New new lesions are identified. Yours in Christ, Thomas H Farquahr, MC PhD." I added the Yours in Christ part--I think it sounds good. Glenn and I didn't high five right in the office, but we thought about it. So we will continue with Doxil every 4 weeks for a while and continue to monitor with CAT scans. I feel blessed, I feel joyful. I feel more optimistic than I have in a while. All trips are on--and I just may sneak a little trip in to Lake Louise in March. On the downside, I'm not consuming enough fluid, so those of you who actually see me should always check to see if I have a beverage handy. I'm still anemic, but not as bad. I have an annoying fungus infection, but it is being treated. I haven't been troubled with bursts of energy like I had on Saturday, but I have more stamina. Tonight, the band is getting together to choose new music for the Ceili in March. It is hard to think how things could get better.


Tiffany said...

Congratulations on all the good news with your health. Keep doing what your doing, thinking good, healthy thoughts and drink tons of water.

Love you!

Myla and Milan

Bertamom said...

Woohoo! We LOVE good news!