Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quick, Call 911

I have taken leave of my senses. I just did the biannual vacuuming of the stairs. I am now a sweaty mess and completely exhausted. Now for those of you who haven't been to my house, I have maybe a total of 13 stairs. Steps, not staircases. When you only do it every other year, there's a lot to vacuum. I can't think what possessed me. I may start vacuuming and dusting the rest of the house. Or maybe I'll take my sweater off and lie down. Some of this dust is ready for the Smithsonian. Maybe I'm just killing time before football. I have two games I can watch today--pro ball, which isn't as exciting as college, but when in a pinch...

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

What has gotten IN to you! Laura and I are doing a little tidying up in preparation for Youth Club coming here tonight for the dessert portion of their progressive dinner, but nothing major. I should probably vacuum, but I bet I won't . . .