Saturday, December 20, 2008

I have the best friends on earth

When I got the call from my doctor and digested the fact that I do, in fact, still have cancer, I pretty much accepted the fact that Christmas wasn't going to happen at our house this year. I mean Jesus would still come into the world as a tiny baby, carols would be sung and played on the radio, the nativity sets were, as you know by now, still up from last year. But tree? Presents? Not going to happen. Not good enough for my friends from church. Al Sweetman picked up Glenn this morning and they went out tree hunting. Roberta and Laura Henry arrived to do lights and ornaments, Jorie and Thomas Abbot came by to help. Between 10ish, when Al and Glenn left, and 12:30 or 1:00, a miracle happened.

Here is is of the crowd making decisions.

Here's Al, the supervisor.
Here is the finished product. It's just about the best tree ever. Once again, my job was relegated to handing ornaments. Roberta had to leave at noon because she had another commitment. All the ornaments went on between twelve and twelve-thirty. Many hands make light work. What a joy it is to have this beautiful tree. I could have lived without it, but I'm so happy and feel so loved. So thank you. Bethany Tree Angels. You are the best. And on the chemo side effects, I'm still waiting. I was pretty pumped and wired last night from my surprise company. Today I'm just in a glow--but waiting.


Bertamom said...

We were blessed to be able to do it! It was so much fun - I wish I could have stayed longer!

Unknown said...

A beautiful tree for a beautiful friend, my dear.
You deserve the best.