Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Things are in the works

I feel better, at least intellectually. I don't have the whole plan laid out just yet--that should come on Friday, but things are moving. I had my pre-op appointment at the hospital this morning and I'll be getting my portacath put back in tomorrow. I'm supposed to have some sort of guided biopsy too, but it seems they are still working that out. Friday I'll see my oncologist and presumably get the beginning of my chemo schedule. While I'm not really looking forward to that, it will be something concrete and the new battle will have begun. Those who know and love me know that patience is no part of my make-up. I can be slothful and inactive along with the best of them, as long as I know what is going on and the big plan is working. So, we're in process. Now I'll go back to Christmas cards.


Victoria said...

Patience? What is this patience you speak of? Certainly it must not be very useful, for I have lived many moons with nary a twitter of its presence...

Bertamom said...

I keep trying to tell my dogs "patience is a virtue" -- they don't listen. I guess they figured it out . . . Keep in touch about the decorating thing - good to see you last night!

Unknown said...

This guided biopsy thing sounds particularly interesting.

Does it come with an in-flight gray-cell optimized movie and honey-glazed almonds?

Does the guide call out intriguing internal sights as they pass?

Hope the Xmess cards go well, m’dear.