Sunday, May 11, 2008

As good a Mother's Day as it could be

So I didn't make it to church this morning. In general, I haven't been hurting as much as the first time, but I didn't feel good enough to get dressed and be sociable. The orcs are somewhat less aggressive, perhaps beaten back by the magic of naproxen sodium. My daughter, Elaine, called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. She's feeling bad that she can't see me, but she and her family have been sharing a virus for weeks and I don't need that.
Glenn fixed soup for lunch and ran errands for me. The Giants won, even though I didn't have the energy to watch the end of the game.
My niece, Victoria, and nephew, Kyle, came over in the late afternoon and brought the fixings for a delicious dinner. Grilled stuffed chicken, potatoes with sage, salad, and fresh cherries and ice cream for desert. They did all the work and entertained me to boot. I was just planning on letting Mom's Day happen without me, because I knew I would be feeling crappy. I'm glad I didn't. I'm still beating back orcs, but I'm happy and content.


Anonymous said...

We missed you at church, but I knew it was a coin toss for you. Sounds like a yummy dinner! A lovely treat for Mother's Day --

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Mom's Day. Glad you had a nice one after all.

After re-reading your messages I have concluded that you are not battling whales (orcs) but possibly some mysterious concoction of the chemical kind?

It's difficult to tell these days. My own bank insists on call itself by a name fit only for a dolphin, WAMU. In fact, it abandoned the longer name of Washington Mutual altogether in most instances. So now I feel I am communicating with whales instead of a rock solid banking institution.

I hope you don't feel that way about your meds.

Anyway, you don't fool me much about the whales being not so bad. If you couldn't even watch the end of a Giants game, the whales must be pretty plentiful and extremely el grande.

Please consider my love also el grande and at least as grosse!


Victoria said...

We made blog print! Yay us!