Thursday, May 22, 2008

These little things...

Have you ever noticed that a good counter irritant will take your mind off your other troubles? Two years ago, I got a cute new cell phone because I wanted to be able to access my e-mails wherever I went. I know, I'm not that important to the fate of the free world, but I really like to keep in touch when I'm away from my computer. So I got this great phone. It helped me stay in touch when I was at the hospital.
So anyway, I've been getting these e-mails that I've ignored about how Blackberry was going to be updated and I needed to do something. Oops. Now I know the guys at Advent are already snickering because they know how tech savvy I am. After I got sufficiently frustrated, I called att mobility. after a long chat with customer service, she got as frustrated as I am. Now I'm on hold being transferred to Research in Motion (aka Blackberry). So you are holding with me...So we talked to RIM--they were useless. Now we're going to Nokia...hang on...Oops--Nokia couldn't help us either. Now we are back to ATT tech support. They weren't helpful either, but, I think the wonderful ATT rep fixed it herself. We're waiting to see how things work. I received a message, now we're trying to send. So this has taken two hours of my busy little day.
Let's hear it for counter irritants!


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, it's the little things that will drive you crazy eventually . . . hope it's working for you now.

Victoria said...

Very important, the email. Without it, how will you know EXACTLY when people leave comments on your blog? ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Annie, I love your blog and the new pictures. On the new hats, I think I'm favoring the brings out the Irish in you! I love your first AMY most because I recognize you in that! Can I borrow it when we go swimming!

You have finally figured out that you have many, many friends in life, embrace their friendship. It's like having a huge family only you get to pick your sisters and brothers. You're one of the strongest people I know and you have the greatest attitude for fighting.......Can we all have a little celebration after you finish all of this? For now we will just celebrate every day as it comes. We love you Annie!